Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen!

ShElbY! Happy Birthday.

This post is from Tatum and Auntie Debbie.

Tatum says, "Shelby is Amazing!"

Debbie says, "Shelby can finally smooch Christian!"

Tatum says, "My mom is mean!"

Debbie says, "Sorry Shelby. I'll behave now."

Tatum says, "Shelby is funny and she's doesn't let anyone stop her from being herself."

Debbie says, "Hence the Pokemon dance!"

Tatum says, "Face Paint Rocks! You're never too old to dress up."

Debbie says, "Old? She's only 16 for goodness sake!!!"

Tatum says, "I LOVE SHELBY!"

Debbie says, "I LOVE SHELBY MORE!"

Shelby, it's still your birthday here in Hawaii. I hope you stayed up super late watching for our birthday post. You have been in our thoughts today. We can't believe you are 16 and now you can date AND drive (AND smooch! shhhhh don't tell Tatum I said that).

I loved having you here with us last summer. You are so smart and wise and talented and beautiful!

Hope you hade a wonderful day!
TaTuM and DeBbiE

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