Monday, August 18, 2008

PhotoGRAPHIC evidence

HA, made ya look with that GRAPHIC thing, huh? Psych. The only graphic photo is the musubi at the end.

So today, I thought I'd post some photographic evidence for my recent ramblings. I posted this on our family blog too.

First, has Alan contracted Olympic Fever or what? (See symptons of Olympic Fever on our family blog)

Here is Tatum embracing her natural curls and looking like a (MODBE) Hawaiian Tropic model rather than a Disney Channel rock star.

Here is Zach playing with his sizably less than $5,000 winnings. He bought an ipod touch (so now I can use the computer again).

And here is Wyatt pumping his system with Gatorade as he recovers from his week long bout with Lepto.

And here is Garrett doing who knows what when he was supposed to be getting ready for school. But at least he met state standards in math! Hooray!

And here's a random photo of Zach's first try at making Musubi all by himself (Soon I won't have to cook at all).

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