Friday, August 15, 2008

Ryan and Jessica's update

So we just got back from the doctors and wanted to let everyone know that its a boy!! We are super excited, though we only agreed on a girls name. With both of us being stubborn its going to be quite the battle probably lasting until he comes to decide the name.

We also have other news, last week Ryan accepted a job in Connecticut :) He was offered a job in CT and one in MD. Being the mathematician that he is, he calculated his salary for the next five years using the salary tables and factoring in the different percent raises each district offers. He even factored in how much a masters would cost in CT (the MD district would reimburse him for most of it) and to my relief, CT won out! One of the big benefits to CT was that they started him on the 2nd step which means he is getting paid as a 3rd year teacher! So we packed up our stuff and two days after he got the offer we were driving up to CT. The only downside is that I am allergic to my parents house (sneezing at least 50 times a day and watery itchy eyes that makes it look like I am continually crying) In the last year I developed allergies to dust, dust mites, mold, dogs, cats, feathers etc. It wasn't a problem staying at Mark and Susan's house even though they have a dog, so I thought I would be okay. Hopefully I just need to adjust to the new place and it will calm down soon.

As for Debbie's other wonderings regarding the Fisher family, we are actually back in MD (we had a few things to take care of and there was no way I was missing my appointment to find out if it was a boy or girl!) but they are all on vacation and we barely see Austin so you will just have to keep wondering!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Yeah!!! A Boy! Congrats! That is so exciting. And congrats on your move. What an important time for you guys. (Thanks for the update) That was funny to think of Ryan calculating all that out. I wish my brain worked that way.

So I recommend the name Frighten. :) Unless Angie steals it first. ;)

I hope you get over your allergy to your parents. ;)


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