Sunday, November 30, 2008
Kung Fu Panda
- Brody Bushnell
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka
Monday, October 27, 2008
Bushnell's go to New York!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Happy Be-lated Birthday Bobbi
We still got a pocket full of sunshine for you! We'll drop it in the mail today. It may come in handy with that 55 degree weather you got going over there on THAT side of the world.
I still haven't removed that limp and lifeless passion pink you painted on my toenails. It's hanging on for dear life. Which is such a metaphor for what I do to all the precious memories that keep me warm. You're in about 4 years of the warmest ones. (I still have you to thank for Gilmore Girls.)
We'll always have TVA. And Kahuku hospital. That was so amazing being able to be the one to push Emy out of you via your head. And all the late night chats, you and Jer dropping by, me and Tatum dropping by, you and all your cute cardboard box furniture, sneaking into Turtle Bay pool together, ward bishopric wiving together.
YOU are such an amazing charismatic, dynamic, genuine, authentic, real, honest (okay the last 4 adjectives were redundant, I know) person. I LOVE that about you. You say what you think and you mean what you say. I love that no-holds bar sassy approach to life. And you're so good at aesthetics. I feel safe in your opinion.
I was blown away by how much you did for everyone this summer at Island Park. That made it so fun and memorable. (although next year I'm going for the french tips).
I hope your birthday was awesome!
And don't forget what Elenor Roosevelt said, "No on can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Kent
Of all the family that I hold near and dear, you may just be the nearest and dearest (but don't tell anyone).
I remember the first time I met you. I was giving you and your friends a ride home from school. I was mooooooorrrrreeeee than happy to give you a ride since I had a secret, mad crush on your older brother. (That was before I met Alan). Just kidding! It was Alan I had the crush on.
Anyway, back to YOU, since YOU are the birthday boy and the object of our affection today.
I know you've heard this a million times from everyone you know, but you were so nice and kind. You were actually the nicest, kindest person I had ever met. Even my gigi and papa thought you were the nicest and kindest person they had ever met.
I've adored you from the start and we have more than a million memories together. I'll never forget your mission homecoming, how you sat on the stand just smiling. I thought you were going to be translated right then and there. And then there was Hawaii and all the hours at the beach together and at TVA together arguing about whether or not time and space existed. And remember our trip to D.C. and Niagra falls, and camping in Palmyra, and how we almost died together at Gettysburg, and Cooperstown, how we couldn't decide who would get the better room at the bed and breakfast so we decided to camp instead. And then there were our New York years together. Les Mis, Miss Saigon . . . I'm getting verclempt. Remember when you and Stacey were on David Letterman? And remember Thanksgiving and the Macy's day parade with Tatum tucked up in Alan's coat, and how Stacey threw the Turkey in your face because you're so selfish. (ha ha) That was so funny.
And remember your hallway from hell at Columbia? And all of our trips crammed in the car to Maryland with Tatum screaming at the top of her lungs the whole way. And how we used to feed her lemons and laugh. And how we loved to scare her with that shark pop out book until she'd cry. And remember the Zoo at Central Park when we couldn't get Tatum to look at the seals and we laughed until you peed your pants? (Or was that me?) And remember Carnegie Deli when you ate way tooooooo many pickles and almost didn't make it home.
And remember our camping trip to Rhode Island and that enormous lightening storm and our tent got flooded and you were holding an umbrella over the fires and you got struck by lightening and spent 3 weeks in the hospital . . . Okay, that never happened, but you did throw your back out an Alan got stung by a bee and I was 8 months pregnant. And remember how we crammed the car full of our stuff and we had to tie you to the roof in horizontal position as we drove around Rhode Island in the middle of the night looking for a hotel, but there were none because there was a Dunkin Doughnuts convention. And we discovered all 932 Dunkin freakin Doughnuts in that state. And we also discovered that every person in Rhode Island looks exactly alike. Remember how sure we were that we were being punked, or in the Twilight Zone. (note: I sat by a guy from Rhode Island on my way to D.C. last summer and, surprise, his son worked at Dunkin Doughnuts). And remember how I could kick your bootie at tennis, even when I was 13 months pregnant? That was awesome!
And remember Chris Farley . . . I miss that guy!
My kids adore you too. You are their favorite uncle, (but, again, keep that on the down low). They always talk about Uncle Kent. You always make it a point to make them feel special and you go out of your way to have fun with them. They still talk about the Penny Arcade and the Purple Turtle and how you told Garrett he had an elephant in his butt. And now they talk about Ash and Rock Band and Taylor.
You've been a great friend for years. I know I can tell you anything and everything (and I have) and you'll understand. I love that about you. But then there is so much to love about you. You're talented, insightful, artistic, funny, smart, generous . . . should I go on? Cause my eyes are sweating again. (It's hot over here.)
Happy Birthday, bud!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen!
This post is from Tatum and Auntie Debbie.
Tatum says, "Shelby is Amazing!"
Debbie says, "Shelby can finally smooch Christian!"
Tatum says, "My mom is mean!"
Debbie says, "Sorry Shelby. I'll behave now."
Tatum says, "Shelby is funny and she's doesn't let anyone stop her from being herself."
Debbie says, "Hence the Pokemon dance!"
Tatum says, "Face Paint Rocks! You're never too old to dress up."
Debbie says, "Old? She's only 16 for goodness sake!!!"
Tatum says, "I LOVE SHELBY!"
Debbie says, "I LOVE SHELBY MORE!"
Shelby, it's still your birthday here in Hawaii. I hope you stayed up super late watching for our birthday post. You have been in our thoughts today. We can't believe you are 16 and now you can date AND drive (AND smooch! shhhhh don't tell Tatum I said that).
I loved having you here with us last summer. You are so smart and wise and talented and beautiful!
Hope you hade a wonderful day!
TaTuM and DeBbiE
Friday, September 12, 2008
Paul Poo bringing up the birthday rear!
Paul, of all the years we've been legally bound together by marital super glue, the one regret I have is not buying a set of Cutco knives from you. You were goooooood and I was this close. I now know there are three things worth spending too much on: mattresses, mascara and Cutco knives. If only, if only . . .
Even though we're seperated by the largest body of water and a couple of states, we'll always have "The Office." I'll never forget all the good times, including the loud clunking remote control chugging over head into the wee hours of morning.
On a serious note, you da man! I respect you mucho. It's very cool how you're always cleaning up after yourself and everyone else. (Where did that come from? Probably from reading all that Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars.)
And it's cool you're taking voice lessons. Follow your dreams! Find your grail! I'm all over that.
I feel lucky to be related, even if it's only through super glue.
LOVE YOU! Have a wonderful day!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Jer Bear
Man, I'm getting a little birthday fatigue here. These memory lanes stretch back foreva. Jer, I've known you even longer than I've known Jen.
Good grief, I used to change your diapers when you were just a li'l tike.
Okay, I haven't known you that long. But I babysat you plenty of times back in the day when you had that pinball machine in your bedroom, them bunnies in your backyard and those lyin eyes at the poker table.
Speaking of tables, remember that time Alan and I were having that super romantic Valentines dinner all by our selves? Even the candles were swooning when we got all sugary sweet and then I slipped off my pumps to play a little Flashdance footsie with my Valentine, but something was in the way . . . oh, yes, it was YOU! You were hiding under the table trying to get some pointers on how to wine and dine your future wife. (Bobbi, I hope we taught him well) And Jer I hope we didn't give you any cavities that night.
You must have been about ten. And now look at you! Are you 30 yet? I'm thinking close. (That was a major mid-life crisis year for me! Good luck, dude).
We've gone through all the stages with you, haven't we? Everything from welcoming you on the other side of your wedding threshold, to pushing Emy out for you during Bobbi's labor. (You're welcome, btw). And come to think of it, YOU WERE HERE with us the day 9-11 became more than just your birthday, but an American anniversary, am I right?
Hawaii with you guys was DA BOMB! Even if you did only get a B+ in my class, you were still my favorite (besides Bobbi). I'm feeling a bit verclempt all the sudden. I miss you guys. Those were the days. Life if just boring now. Thanks for all you do to keep the family together. Nobody does it better. You are so awesome.
LOVE YOU! Have a great birthday!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Birthday Girl
I've been taking a walk down memory lane this morning. And it's a really loooooong lane. (I'm actually a little bit out-of-breath). Girlfriend, we've known each other half our lives!
Rember that time when you knocked Bruce out because he fed Taylor ice cream. That was so funny. Almost as funny as the time you beat the snot out of Ned for changing the channel while you were watching Miss America. You really know to put up your dukes. I always liked that about you.
And remember that time you were pregnant with Jenessa and you called me up and said "Can I pencil you in to babysit Taylor Friday @ 3:00 so I can have this baby? I have an hour between my dentist appointment and my stamping-it-up party." And how I laughed and said,"Whatever Jen, surprise me, why don't you! Be spontaneous for once in your life!" That was amazing how you didn't even crack a smile. Your calm certainty has always evoked my admiration. (And Luckily I was home at 3:00 when you dropped Taylor off.)
Sponteniety is way over-rated anyway.
But seriously, Jen, you da bomb! What you see is what you get! Straight up! Up-front! In-yo-face! I love it. Soooo glad you're my sista-in-law!
Have a great day, girl. Love you
Friday, September 5, 2008
We got the beautiful reunion book today! Wow!! It's amazing. That was a lot of work and effort for you guys. Thank you for all of your time and effort and energy. Loved the photos you picked and the way you organized and arranged them.
And did you write the poem at the end? So sweet!
I don't know why those reunion pics make my eyes sweat so much. It's crazy.
Hey, do you take paypal? Cause we owe you like 65 or 70 bucks. Please let us know ASAP so we don't leave you hanging.
YOU DA BOMB, guys--fo' real. So buck! (My hand in on my shoulder right now!)
Love you guys.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Paul is not lost

Friday, August 29, 2008
That was sooooo fun. I miss you all. We can't wait for next year. The kids have earned over $200 for airfare already.
Much love and AloooooooHAAA!
P.S. Did anyone ever find Paul? Should we send out an Amber Alert? (No, not an Amber Frampton alert!)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Paul where are you??
We still want to hear from everyone else as well! Colby how is golf going. Ryan the new job and new city. Kimberpee college. And everything else as well. It is fun seeing how many blogs we have in the family!! Keep putting stuff on grandmas blog she checks it when she gets a chance and loves reading all the happenings.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Proud Parents
Friday, August 22, 2008
My Dirty Little Secret
Why is it so hard to keep beautiful things growing, even if you water them? And yet other things grow freakishly fast without any water at all.
This is my dirty little secret. This King Kong cactus. I'm afraid of it. And when I'm afraid of something I close my eyes and turn my back.
So Alan chopped it down for me in June, 2006 so I could sleep at night.
But AHHHH, it's BACK! It's stalking us, I swear! And I'm not just being paranoid.
And look how the stalks have multiplied. (The better to stalk you with, my dear. heh heh heh--evil cactus laugh, in case you couldn't tell.) Check out the base of this thing? Don't tell me it doesn't make you want to scream and run?
From this to this!! And that's AFTER it was machetied to death by my big strong husband.
There's a moral here. There's a definite moral here:
Beware what you plant, it just might take root. And while I'm dishing out wisdom . . . beware of what you close your eyes to and turn your back on and machete to death, it just might come back to haunt you.
I'm baaaaaack! heh heh heh . . .
(You have my permission to use this wisdom in your next Sacrament meeting talk).
Monday, August 18, 2008
Connie takes out Emyly
PhotoGRAPHIC evidence
So today, I thought I'd post some photographic evidence for my recent ramblings. I posted this on our family blog too.
First, has Alan contracted Olympic Fever or what? (See symptons of Olympic Fever on our family blog)
Here is Tatum embracing her natural curls and looking like a (MODBE) Hawaiian Tropic model rather than a Disney Channel rock star.
Here is Zach playing with his sizably less than $5,000 winnings. He bought an ipod touch (so now I can use the computer again).
And here is Wyatt pumping his system with Gatorade as he recovers from his week long bout with Lepto.
And here is Garrett doing who knows what when he was supposed to be getting ready for school. But at least he met state standards in math! Hooray!
And here's a random photo of Zach's first try at making Musubi all by himself (Soon I won't have to cook at all).
Friday, August 15, 2008
I wish I could go boating every day!
Ryan and Jessica's update
We also have other news, last week Ryan accepted a job in Connecticut :) He was offered a job in CT and one in MD. Being the mathematician that he is, he calculated his salary for the next five years using the salary tables and factoring in the different percent raises each district offers. He even factored in how much a masters would cost in CT (the MD district would reimburse him for most of it) and to my relief, CT won out! One of the big benefits to CT was that they started him on the 2nd step which means he is getting paid as a 3rd year teacher! So we packed up our stuff and two days after he got the offer we were driving up to CT. The only downside is that I am allergic to my parents house (sneezing at least 50 times a day and watery itchy eyes that makes it look like I am continually crying) In the last year I developed allergies to dust, dust mites, mold, dogs, cats, feathers etc. It wasn't a problem staying at Mark and Susan's house even though they have a dog, so I thought I would be okay. Hopefully I just need to adjust to the new place and it will calm down soon.
As for Debbie's other wonderings regarding the Fisher family, we are actually back in MD (we had a few things to take care of and there was no way I was missing my appointment to find out if it was a boy or girl!) but they are all on vacation and we barely see Austin so you will just have to keep wondering!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I Wonder . . .
I wonder what Kimberpee is doing right now. I miss that cute girl.
I wonder if Ryan got that job in Connecticut. Are they having a boy or a girl.
I wonder how Stephanie's doing as a new mom? Does she ever get the baby blues?
I wonder what Austin is reading in his English class. Has he read The Things They Carried? (He would dig it).
I wonder when I'll get to meet Ashley. I hope she and Nathan get to come to the reunion next year. Austin and Mark too.
I wonder if Melissa's swelling has gone down yet. ;) Does Brittany love her chic new hair?
I wonder if Taylor likes raw fish. Has he baptized Pokemon yet?
I can't wait to see Jenessa on SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Dance). Is she excited to start dancing at the U?
I wonder if Dad is feeling okay.
I wonder if Angie is moving to Boston or Jacksonville. She should name her baby Frighten. ;)
I wonder if David and Keri and Tiffany are coming out to visit at Christmas.
I miss Mar--St. George was so fun. I wish I could go wake boarding with Brody. I miss teasing Bro, I miss Colby not being able to throw me in the lake. I don't really miss running with Paul--at least not the running part. :) I need another pedicure. I miss listening to Jen scrapbook. I hope Jer doesn't keep trying to hog all the blog space. I wonder if Aliens ever vacation in Hawaii?
Okay, so maybe I didn't think of ALL those things, but you're on my mind. And guess what! Big announcement. Even though I love love love electronically talking to myself like this, I made my very own family blog. Here's the link: (plus I added to the family blogs on the right).
Miss me! ;)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Surprisingly Bedazzled
So, is it just me or do anyone else's jaws ache from hitting the floor while watching the Olympics? Is there no limit to the bedazzling things the human body can do? (Under aged and over aged bodies alike). This is the question I was actually pondering while sitting on my couch eating cheetos and watching the finale of So You Thing You Can Dance. It was the night before the Olympics so I had no idea that the story of humankind was about to come to a climax in a birds nest in Beijing. Did anyone else sense that as you were scraping your chin off the ground during the Opening Ceremonies?
I mean, did we just peak or what? You know, We. Us. The collective whole. Civilization as we know it. Phenomenal things are being accomplished while I am sitting on my coach eating cheetos and watching So You Think You Can Dance. People are thriving, pulsing, reaching higher, spinning faster (this was my epiphany as I watched men's gymnastics and got the Heimlich maneuver to dislodge my stomach from my throat).
To borrow a phrase and drive the point home . . . I stand all amazed! (well, sit all amazed, actually--while eating cheetos).
Okay, enough about cheetos (notice I always use one key concept at least 3 times in each post--that's the first rule of being a writer. I learned that at writing school). ;)
So Zach has been outed as a BG (band geek). He's been assigned to play one of these most subtle instruments known to man, you guessed it, the TROMBONE! Hard not to be conspicuous when you and your instrument take up one whole seat on the bus. But there is some surprisingly good news; last night Alan and I went to Parent Night where we got to attend all of Zach's classes for 15 minutes. We took this opportunity to scope out teachers and other parents. It seems Zach is still riding the coat tails of good fortune as the band is full of non-geeky parents, an outstanding teacher (who says if you want to get a scholarship to college, learn to play the trombone) and one very lovely girl, who also happens to be Zach's partner in English class. Fancy that. (No wonder he hasn't complained about band yet.)
Other surprisingly good news:
1. Though I still miss you all, I am surprisingly bored no longer (maybe because I put the house on self-clean).
2. Tatum and I had a girls day out and enjoyed The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 a surprisingly surprising amount (have I used that word 3 times yet?). We learned something about each other. We are both ashamed of crying in movies about traveling pants and choose to deflect our shame by poking fun at others who cry about traveling pants.
3. Wyatt is now fully capable of swallowing a pill--one of the upsides of laying in bed for 4 days straight with a high fever and a wicked bout of diarreah (too bad I already used up my quota of poo jokes) Alan treated him for Leptospyrosis, which we suspect he got from that thirsty waterfall we hiked a week ago.
4. I have not yet been excommunicated after voicing my desire for low-rise garments!
5. Tatum has embraced her hair and is letting it go au' natural. She now looks more like a Hawaiian Tropic model (Modbe style) than a Disney Channel rock star.
6. Garrett met proficiany on the state math test!
So far, it's been a surprisingly good week!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Check the Poo
(And Jer, will you stop trying to dominate the conversation. I'm tualkin' here! ;)
Okay, so just as I'm snapping out of my mid-life boredom, AKA, PSFFRB (post super fun family reunion boredom) Garrett starts displaying symptons of it early Saturday. I should have suspected it when he was up at 7:30 am writing sentences that aren't due until Wednesday.
Finally he came out with it just as we were getting ready to go to the pool.
"I'm BORED! I want to go 4-wheeling! I want to buy a 4-wheeler right now!"
We chuckled. It was kinda cute, after all, especially since I had so recently felt his pain. But he was serious. "It's not funny! I want to go to town and buy a 4-wheeler!"
"We're going swimming. That will be fun," said Alan in his perky voice (you know what I'm talkin' about).
"Swimming? That's BORING! I want to go to town and buy a 4-wheeler."
So Alan gave him the let's-start-planning-and-saving speech and threw out a target date of a year.
"I have to save for a WHOLE yeeeeeear!?? That's POO!!!"
Okay, check the poo flashback. I almost expected Zach and Wyatt to jump out doing high kicks and smacking their okoles (hawaiian for backside). But poor Wyatt was laid out on the couch with a fever. Our little hemophiliac, who gets a needle to the vein twice a week, absolutely refused to chew, drink, slurp, snort or swallow tylenol. I was about ready to draw the liquid up with a syringe and administer an IV.
But I digress. We were talking about Poo. Are my kids the only ones that use that superlative to express their discontent? Tatum has been using it on a regular basis. "My hair looks like Poo!" or "This peanut butter tastes like poo!"
So, while we're on this subject, we unfortunately received a letter from the National History Day expressing their deepest embarrassment and regret to inform us that they made a mistake on the amount of Zach's prize $. He really only won $500. (Isn't it amazing what one little tiny zero can do? So small and yet soooooo huge--kinda like the 8/100th of a second that gave the U.S. Men's swim team the Gold medal over France in the 4oo relay. Sometimes the tiniest thing is nothing and sometimes it's everything.) Zach took it hard, as you can imagine. Afterall, he lost $4,500. Poof! Just like that. And to top it all off, Tatum cashed her $83.00 winnings, put it in her wallet, which she put in her purse, which she put in the car on our way to the the mall to spend it. When we got there, the purse had vanished into thin air and has not appeared since. All that hard earned cash . . . going, going, gone!
Now THAT's poo!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
We were Rednecks
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Seriously, so bored
Anyone? anyone?
Perhaps you think you have nothing to say. Believe me, I can relate.
In fact, I've been thinking lately about Happy Valley. Remember the women who the film followed through rehab? Remember how, when she got clean, the camera panned in on her rolled up in fetal position like a deflated ballon--no air, no angst--and asked her how she was feeling? Remember she replied, "I feel just like everybody else . . . " poignant pause ". . . boring." And that honesty hung in the air for another poingant pause before she asked, "Is this how you feel everyday?"
Ah Ha!
Well that's how I feel today.
Question: Do you think mid-life crisis and mid-life boredom are like a rose by any other name would smell the same? (Do you think it would help if I went out and got myself a Mountain Dew addiction or something? ;)
Maybe I'm just experiencing mid-week boredom or mid-morning boredom.
OR, maybe I'm still coming down with/off/from PVB (Post Vacation Boredom) or PSFFRB (Post Super Fun Family Reunion Boredom)
At any rate, it's not like I'm sitting around playing solitaire and doing Sadoku puzzles all day, (although I did play one game of solitaire yesterday--for the challenge, of course--but I actually won (totally true story) so even that was a bit dull). I've got far too much to do, it's just that . . . (between me and you) . . . I'm bored silly doing it.
Okay, okay, I'm obviously overstating the obvious. But, for the record, folding laundry, scrubbing toilets and completing homework rituals, dinner preparations and carpool coordinations on my own doesn't hold the same charge as talking story on the back porch while Bobbi does makeovers, or watching So You Think You Can Dance with 50 people while eating chicken chalupas, IF you know what I mean. (Speaking of SYTYCD--Wasn't the finale exhilarating!!?)
Yes, I admit, I MISS YOU ALL!
But besides the boredom we are fine and dandy. The twins are having a challenging time staying awake in the 4th grade because their teacher is very sweet, but (ironically) very boring.
Zach is learning how to organize his time and energy to meet the homework demands of Junior High and he's scared silly of becoming a BG (bang geek) since we strongly suggested/borderline forced him to sign up for band.
RANDOM SIDENOTE: He passed the sacrament for the first time on Sunday, with his extraordinary deer-in-the-headlights focus. Proud mom moment!
Tatum is in High School and, since Bobbi taught me to curl hair with a straightener, she's sporting that Disney-Channel-teen-rock-star kinda vibe. In schizophrenic fashion she has joined the debate team, while still juggling dance team, 3 soccer leagues, the Koolau Choir and the tennis team. Rumor has it she is slated as the best girl on the varsity team (this is how small our town is). And then she has the nerve to say she's not good at anything. (Could someone please slap her!)
Alan has had next-to-no transition back to reality (doesn't that mean I miss you more? ;) He's pleasant and content and ever so happy to slip right back into action (except when it comes to scout mastering). He makes sure we tread water for an hour at the pool a few times a week, take our early morning walks on the beach (where sometimes it's so strikingly beautitul if hurts. Almost makes you want to hurt it back ;) and smack the tennis ball around as often as possible. He's been dragging the kids to the tennis courts a lot since we've been home and is getting ready to coach the twins soccer team. His biggest thrill was patching our Sante Fe's flat tire all by himself. (He finds such joy in the little things. ;)
Me? I re-orgainzed the visiting teaching list. YAWN! Oh, and I did have a GNO (girls night out) for Creme Brule' at Turtle Bay, where I got super wild and convinced the other girls to petition for more form fitting garments. (I may be excommunicated shortly). I also took the family on a hike to a massive 100 foot trickling water fall. I have never seen Hawaii so thirsty.
On the movie front: Despite the title, Hellboy II, is an awesome family flick, (once we got Tatum over her I'm-NOT-going-to-see-a-movie-with-a-swear-word-in-it mentality). And Batman II was pretty darn powerful. That Joker said some eerily ironic lines that made me go Hmmmmm. . . Lot's of complexity to contemplate in that film.
So that's all the nothingness I had to say. Now can someone please knock me off the first page! ;)
P.S. Heres' a link to a hilarious new tongue-in-cheek blog called seriouslysoblessed. Check it out for a good laugh.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
All By Myself . . .
So I'm sitting here all alone in my own house (which is a very strange sensation). Alan is back at work. The kids are back in school. Our bags are unpacked, our house is reorganized, and I've done my morning chores. I'm even almost used to the constant sweating and fuzzy hair that comes along with the Hawaiian paradise package. In other words, after a handful of naps and a bout with boredom, we have transitioned at last. Needless to say, we miss you all!
The drive to Jackson Hole was beautiful, with highlights including 2 bear spottings (Wyatt says 3, of course) and a close encounter with a ginormous bull elk that sent our pulse racing. Upon arrival in Jackson Hole we were overcome by the outlaw spirit and simply had to get a photo (as you can see).

Bear Lake isn't nearly as pretty as Island Park, but the water is nearly as bright and blue as Hawaii and there we added to our pot of awesome family memories.
And then there was Chicago for Alan and Zach where they were welcomed like celebs. At the opening ceremony he got to run out the Soldier Field tunnel with his name in lights and his face on the big screen. It was all very exciting. The Cubs game was a classic father-son moment and Zach especially enjoyed the polar bears at the Chicago Zoo. He made a lot of friends and came home with a bronze m
We are happy to be back together as a family all safe and snug in Hawaii and we're thankful there were no broken femurs along the way.
Hope you are all well too!
P.S. Alan and I saw Batman last night. Anyone seen it? Any comments?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Summer Spectacular at Island Park - 2008 - AZ Frampton's
Saturday, July 26, 2008
How many want a picture book of the reunion????

Dave, Susan, Kent, Marianne and Bruce we are all anxiously waiting your first blog entry!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
A Big Hug and Thanks - Paul Frampton Family
Grandpa: for sharing your wisdom and stories, for being the most handsome 76 year old man at the reunion (We got some good-looking pictures of you!), sharing your love with the family, sitting with Shelby on the beach, talking to Jenessa, giving Bailey hugs, having great fun with Asia, and being the best grandpa ever!
Grandma: for your contagious laughter! for bringing the blue shorts and giving us a great memory, for writing down what happened each day, for being strong in the gospel, for telling Shelby looked beautiful in those spandex outfits, for talking to Jenessa in the car about your past, and for being a positive example.
Bruce: for sharing The Golden Arm story (Bailey), bringing the four-wheelers, sharing your unique vocal talents around the campfire, sacrificing the shorts to the fire, being a valiant competitor in frisbee golf, for changing the last hole from a Par 3 to a par 4, and for teasing Shelby about talking on the phone to boys.
Connie: for loving your grandchildren (you're cute!), laughing at Paul's jokes, being Brianna's favorite person, and bringing your own flashlight so you wouldn't have to turn other lights on.
Colby: for showing your unique dancing talents in your blue tight outfit, for your maturity, for watching Avatar with Devin and Shelby, for letting Shelby beat you in pool, for taking us four-wheeling and getting covered in dust! for having some of the best biffs on the wakeboard, for opening up to Jenessa, and for socializing with everyone.
Jeremy: for losing to Paul in pool from hitting the eight ball in without calling it, for being a back-up boat driver to Ned, for telling Jenessa she's good at chopping celery, for doing laundry batches, for dealing with all the girls in your room every night, for sharing Bobbi with everyone, and for sharing your extra life-jackets with Bailey and Asia.
Bobbi: for making us more beautiful with your haircuts, for doing Jenessa's toenails over and over, for giving great hair tips! for being open to learning and sharing your experiences between you and your dad, for letting Asia play with Emyly and Averi so often, and for talking to Jennifer about life and dance.
Emyly: for making Shelby get out of her book to talk to you, for watching Avatar with us, for playing with Asia, for catching dragonflies with Asia on the pier, for making forts out of the banana chairs downstairs, for giving Devin all your cheese and crackers, for playing house with Asia, for dancing with jenessa, and for being an example of high spirit.
Averi: for being such a great helper, for giving everyone so many hugs, for coming and laughing with Shelby under the blanket, for getting Devin water when he asked, for dancing with Jenessa, for making forts with Emyly downstairs, for riding in the boat with Asia, and for looking so pretty with your hair curled.
Brianna: for running around during Paul and Jer's pool game giving Shelby a laugh, for having such big blue eyes, for wanting Jenessa to hold her one night, for letting Uncle Paul walk around and show her different things in the cabin, and being a great little sister to Emyly and Averi.
Chris: for sharing the story of your first kiss with Rebecca, driving your car up and around Yellowstone, and for jumping in the cold water to get the boat properly docked.
Rebecca: for poking and teasing Bailey at Mammoth Hot Springs outside on the grass, for your awesome accent, for running with Asia up the wooden stairs, for sympathizing with Jenessa when you both had to go to the bathroom, and for laughing with everyone.
Heather: for making an effort to come up even for a shorter visit, for sharing your story on how you and Kyle met, and for being a part of seeing the Grizzly bear.
Kyle: for being happy and smily, willing to go with us to Yellowstone, for loving Heather, and for not getting lost on the four-wheelers even though Bruce went to find you.
David: for going to the Tetons with us, for looking after Asia so she didn't get lost, for staying determined to find us all at Chuck-a-rama, for the skipping rock competition with Devin and Jenessa, for letting Asia build a tower with the jam at the bunnery, for catching Tifanee's pitches, and for playing pool with Devin.
Keri: for always looking so pretty, for letting us talk to Chase on the tape recorder and giving us a tape to do the same for Taylor, for letting Shelby and Devin pig out on your garlic bread, for singing around the campfire, and for wanting hugs from those on the boat before you left.
Tiffanee: for being so funny on the boat, for talking about the dish (Jenessa says you'll get it?), for letting Paul catch your speed pitches, for coaching Jenessa in pitching, for playing phase ten late in the night, for being interested in Paul's Happy Valley movie, for letting us embaress you on the phone talking to Kyle, for walking around with Jenessa when we shopped at Jackson Hole, and for making sure everyone felt included.
Amber: for talking to Jenessa about college at the Bunnery, for finding such a wonderful husband in Tyler, for laughing, for your beautiful voice around the campfire, and for having the sweetest tan line on your legs (Jenessa).
Tyler: for being persistant on getting up on the wakeboard, for joining in with the family even though your the in-law, for boating with everyone, for telling lots of scary stories (Blue Lady), and for talking with Jenessa at the Bunnery.
Alan: for "Born to be Wild" memory, for bringing up your outgoing children, for your prayer for the family before we left and blessing for Melissa, for your lefty frisbee throws in frisbee golf, for your advice about how we are all human beings striving for similar things, and for entertaining us on the tubes.
Debbie: for getting along with everyone, for being the best cheerleader, for being Jennifer's picture buddy, for letting Shelby use your computer to look at pictures, for running with Jenessa and Paul and getting further distance each time, for leading songs by the campfire, for dancing and singing with us, for being so interested in Jenessa's dance, and for letting Shelby and Jenessa steal your chocolate raisins.
Tatum: for keeping a simple and positive mindset, for liking scrapbooks, for talking with Shelby out on the dock and tickling her to get her laughing, for giving everyone compliments (even uncle Paul's singing), for tying with Colby on the biffs, for staying up late with everyone, for getting into Avatar, for dancing with Shelby on the Pokemon dance even though you didn't know it, and for running with Jenessa and Paul.
Zach: for sticking melted marshmellows in Shelby's clean hair, for playing pool with Devin, for watching Avatar with all the kids, for playing Craps with the kids, for leading the Check the Poo skit, for leading a bunch of songs at the campfire, and for laughing at uncle Bruce's jokes.
Wyatt: for dancing and bringing energy! for playing pool with Devin till the end, for catching crawdads and sacrificing them in the fire with Devin, for the check the poo, for jumping right in and swimming in the lake, and for sitting in the flowers for a pretty picture for Jennifer.
Garrett: for your Nacho Libre jumps, for letting Bailey push you in the lake, for check the poo, for the dances moves, for laughing and teasing Kim, for being so 'cool', for playing pool with Devin, for being so outgoing, and for watching Avatar with the kids.
Susan: for your laugh and your cute smile, for singing with Paul "Yesterday", singing around the campfire, for jumping into the lake with all your clothes on the clean off, for your most embaressing moment story, for your graduation letter to Jenessa, and for doing nails with the girls.
Brittany: for pushing it through the week even with shingles, for being startled by uncle Paul in the bathroom, for staying up in the girls room to talk and laugh, for playing speed with Jenessa, for doing nails with everyone, for being brave enough to get a different cute hair cut, for getting covered in dust and getting the best dirty face with Melissa.
Melissa: for the tie for the dirty face from four-wheeling, for being a trouper even after having your wisdom teeth pulled, for playing Taboo and Pit with Shelby even though people didn't nessicarily know how to play the game, and for looking through magazines with Jenessa and Tatum.
Ryan: for taking the most awesome pictures, for the best picture of Devin, for chasing the moose to get pictures, for putting your comment in about missionaries while we did hair, for being a part of the blessing on Melissa, and for being there at all the Yellowstone trips.
Jessica: for talking to Shelby on the ride up in Kent's motorhome, for playing Rummikum and talking with Jenessa, for talking about preschool with Jennifer, for being so good with the babies especially Bri, and for sharing how you and Ryan met.
Crystal: for watching Tyler so well and being a great mom to him, for your beautiful smile, for letting us tease you about you and Jonathon's bike crash, and for bringing us our milk and garbage sacks.
Jonathon: for using him tall skills to help us shorties with the dishes, for loving Crystal, and for your cute smile, for serenading Crystal (Brittany and Melssia spilled the beans).
Tyler: for waving to everyone, for having the biggest cute smile, and for being playful and happy with everyone.
Ned: for driving the boat! for forgiving Asia when she was sorry for breaking the plastic part on the boat, for letting Asia get excited when you tried running over the ducks, for missing a sunday as the bishop, for going crazy with Devin on the boat, and for jumpstarting the four-wheeler for Paul.
Marianne: for giving directions to everyone, for going on a walk with Jennifer, for your laugh, for sharing your embaressing moment, for the campfire and smores evening, for talking to Jenessa after we left Mesa Falls, for showing pictures of your cute grandchildren, and for teaching and building people's confidence to wakeboard.
Angie: for being pregnent and being so excited about it, for talking with the girls in the bunkbed room about boys the first night, for standing up for Zach in the water, for giving Jenessa potential husband advice, and for having a good sense of humor about losing your sleep bra.
Kim: for talking to Shelby and Jenessa in the hot tub, for sharing her great wakeboard skills, for talking with Jenessa on the boat, for being fine with people calling you Kimberpee, for hanging out in the nail room, for being Jenessa's friend, and for laughing.
Brody: for talking to Shelby about Harry Potter, for being nice to everyone around you, for staying up untill 4:30 playing games, for building a fire, for always helping with the boat, for your amazing wakeboarding skills, for playing pool with Paul and Devin, for coaching everyone about wakeboarding, for sitting outside by the lake with Shelby and Grandpa, and for playing Scum with us even when you don't like our rules.
Mckenzie: for hanging out in the hot tub with Shelby and Jenessa, for getting up on your first try wakeboarding! for letting Tatum go first on the four-wheeler, for letting Shelby steal your blanket to sneak off to the boat at night, for watching Avatar and laughing at it's cheesiness with Shelby, for having such beautiful curly hair, and for being so loving towards all the younger cousins.
Kent: for letting Shelby ride up in the motor home the first day, for all your jokes, for being such a great dad, for talking to Jenessa about art, for encouraging our crazy dancing, for showing off your legs in those blue shirts, for being so proud of your baby daughter, and for being just a little bit shorter than Paul.
Stacy: for driving the RV, for being such a great mom, for wearing the monitor at all times, for preparing three hams to feed us all week, for being interested in other people's lives, and for laughing at people's jokes.
Ashlun: for loving the water, for being the best spanish speaking 2 year old, for your big blue eyes and cute smile, for letting Bailey babysit him and him being 'prizeful', for giving Devin kisses, for being friends with Tyler right away, for knowing everyones name, and for your dancing.
Taylor: for being such a beautiful little girl! for smiling to everyone, for letting people take your picture all the time.
Thanks to everyone for making this such a fun family reunion. We love you all!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
1000 reasons to love Island Park by Jeremy and Bobbi
Jeremy’s favorite memories:
Trying to start a wave at old faithful but failing time and time again; being the candy and soda devil tempting everyone; learning how to drive the boat; watching Bobbi learn how to wakeboard; grandpa clogging the toilet twice; grandma telling Brody and Colby to turn off their flashlights at night (the phone so they could see); frisbee golf; Emyly and Averi loving playing with their second cousins; scratching on the 8 ball right before beating Paul in pool; the smell of nail polish in my room every night along with a plethora of girls in my room till early morning; talking with Kent and Stacey about New York; Ned jumping in the water to cool off; Mckenzie wakeboarding her first try; trying to catch a crab with Wyatt and Emy; Alan and Bruce on the tube with there heads bouncing everywhere; all the good dinners we had; me breaking the boat; seeing how many haircuts Bobbi could give in a weeks vacation; Ryan 10 feet away from a moose not knowing he might be in real trouble; all the girls dancing, talking pigeon with the boys; the MLB all star game going all night; all the laughs everyone had; Emyly saying go slower on the tube at the same time as Averi saying go faster; being a better photographer than my dad; all the wipeouts on the tubes; thinking I hurt both arms on the tube but loving it; talking with everyone till early morning; Jen cornering me to get my girls in dance; trying to shoot the muskrat with the bb gun; Bri following grandma Connie around all the time; Tatum and Peyton Manning; David slamming on his brakes to see a bull elk; teaching Debbie how to fix the internet; 100 bottles of beer on the wall; taking Tyler wake boarding early in the morning; telling everyone goodbye with tears in our eyes not knowing the next time we will all be together again. Burning of the blue shorts; I think I could go all night with memories. It sure was a blast and hopefully everyone will be willing to do it again! Thanks Grandma and grandpa and everyone who brought toys and helped out with making the week a success.
Bobbi’s Favorite Frampton Family 2008 Reunion Memories:
The first thing that comes to mind is listening to Alan go on and on analyzing why he couldn’t get up while wake boarding. Meeting in our drive way bright and early Sunday morning and loading the trailers and boat; Averi talking through the family prayer at Gas N Go; Meeting baby Taylor for the first time at Chuck A Rama; Seeing how much Ashlun has grown up; Being put to shame by a two year old who speaks better Spanish than I do; Ashlun coming in the cabin and saying, “Hi Emyly”; Alan and Debbie meeting us in the drive way of the cabin; Watching the guys come up with this big elaborate plan of how they were going to unload the trailers and everyone’s vehicles; Then watching everyone work so well as a team to get everyone’s things unloaded; short showers; Guessing that the cabin was about 6000 square feet and finding out it was only like 3000 square feet. Having a camera at every angle; Late nights early mornings; Hearing all 50 verses of She’ll be coming around the mountain; Loosing terribly to Angie in pool; Having Zach, Wyatt and Garett coaching me in pool; All the talk about poo; Averi coming to me to tell me that Garett didn’t want to play house and be the husband because he was watching TV. and then being excited when I suggested that he could be the dad and pretend to be watching TV. and Garrett playing along with that idea; Everyone treating my girls so good and really making them feel special; Not wearing makeup; Witnessing Emy, Averi and Asia really getting to know each other and really becoming friends; All the yummy dinners; Watching the girls dance; They are amazing!; Listening to Paul sing (that is so cool); The blue P.E. shorts being modeled by almost all; The best salon setting ever; Finding out at 9:45 am that we were taking a family picture at 10:00 am.; Getting up at 5:00 am to go to Yellowstone; seeing my first real live buffalo; picking flowers with Bri, Emy and Averi; Playing Rumikub with Susan Brittney and Melissa;, Watching the girls tube; Bri crying every time Connie left; Fitting all five of us in the big bath tub; Meeting baby Tyler and watching him hug on Bri; Learning some great parenting tips from Jenn; Getting to know Brit and Melissa; Ned and Brody teaching me how to wakeboard, Having lunch with Bruce and Connie at there cabin; Cinnamon raison bagels; Receiving wise counsel from Tatum about the force; Hanging out with ‘the girls”; Hanging out with Tiff and talking about how cool Chase is; Realizing how blessed I am to be apart this awesome family; Wearing the same clothes all week; Watching Susan be the cutest grandma; Our late night talk after watching “Happy Valley”; Hanging out with Jenn; Dreaming about owning a cabin at Island Park and making it a yearly family trip.
We had such a good time with everyone. Grandpa and Grandpa, thank you for making that possible for all of us. I love you guys so much and really appreciate everything you guys do. You have raised a great family that loves each other so much and has been so good to me and my family. I am so grateful to be part of the Frampton Family and to have these aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws and grandparents.
A big Yellowstone MAHALO from Al and Deb
My heart is bursting full with all the emotions of a perfect week hanging out with all of you. It was so awesome to spend time together laughing, talking, playing, eating and chillin'. I love you all so much and I'm so thankful to be part of such a wonderful family. We have decided that all of the Frampton grandchildren have found and married the absolute coolest people in the world. What are the odds of that?
Deb’s Highlights:
The big bison coming out of the mist; watching Bobbi cut everyone’s hair and paint toenails; downloading 3,000 photos with Ryan, Jeremy, Jen, Bruce, Tyler and Dave; running with Paul, Jenessa, Tatum and Tiffanee; singing around the firepit; driving with Ryan and Jessica through Yellowstone; having Brody teach me to wake board; putting Brie to sleep; high fiving baby Tyler; watching Big Tyler’s enthusiasm over every little thing; teasing Bruce; Kimberpee; talking, talking talking; staying up super late and sleeping in until 9am; watching Ned play with all the little kids; Paul cleaning and taking out the garbage; watching my kids having a ball with all of their cousins; Shelby and Tatum doing the Pokemon dance; hugging Angie-bear; Jeremy hiding whipped cream under our pillow; Avery and Emily coming into my room and saying “Hi, Debbie!”; watching Ashlun dance; Dixie in her BYU PE shorts; Dixie in her cool jeans with the belt; watching Jenessa and Bailey dance; watching Paul sing about how to love a woman ;); watching "So You Think You Can Dance" with everyone during dinner; Jeremy helping me edit photos; Zach laughing at Bruce's jokes; Sue diving into the lake with all of her clothes on; analyzing mom's snake dreams; Bobbi telling me she loves me.
Alan's Highlights:
Rididng 4 wheelers with bro; seeing Kimberly and Colby crash on the wake boards; seeing Paul and Jen's family singing around the campfire; getting a haircut on the backporch during the rainstorm; seeing Jeremy throw the boys off the tube while driving; Susan and her girls all covered in dust after four wheeling; Paul dancing with his BYU PE shorts on; watching Tiffanee and Dave play softball; Kent on the tube with Ash; seeing my boys sing check the poo; watching Tatum and Zach wake board; sitting around outside around the firepit and visiting with everyone.
Here's a link to a web album full of highlights from photos taken by Jer, Debbie, Ryan, Jen, Bruce, Dave and Tyler:
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
4th of July
Monday, July 7, 2008
Laser Tag